The One Where Lulabelle Writes a Letter To Jesus……

Dear Jesus: I am tired. Tonight I attempted, for the millionth time, to give our oldest cat her medicine for an inflamed trachea. I thought for sure this time it’d work because I mixed it into wet food and she seemed to enjoy it this morning.

Although I did put it in the microwave for a bit too long so I had to let it cool. It also maybe exploded just a bit during the heating process and now I have to eventually clean the inside of our microwave from wet exploded bits of cat food.

My bad. πŸ˜›

So far we’ve tried hiding the pill in a treat, hiding the pill in wet food and even rolling her favorite treat in the wet residue of the crushed up pill.


If she was a tiny human now would be the point where I just break down and bribe her with a shopping trip to Claire’s or something if she would just freakin’ take her medicine!!

Jesus, it’s be a long couple days and I’m tired. I’ve been praying for her healing, but now I have another request.

Dear Jesus, can you do me a solid and just heal her “old school” style?Β  Like how you healed people in the Bible. You know, instantly with no fuss?


PS: Oh, and please forgive our vet’s office for what I’m 99% sure was a lie when I asked them if her medicine was available in liquid form and they said no.



Refuses to take her medicine. Prefers to eat Parmesan cheese from the trash. #CatLogic

2 thoughts on “The One Where Lulabelle Writes a Letter To Jesus……

    • HA! I love you, sister!! πŸ˜€ We’ll have to try the parmesan cheese thing. The toilet is a no go as we have to keep the lid down because of the way it’s shaped inside, if she was to drink from it, she’s get a little more than water. TMI? πŸ˜€

      I also made the executive decision to forgo the twice a day and just attempt once. So say a prayer at 9pm that she gets amnesia and decides that she needs wet food. πŸ˜€


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